"The health regulator says it sees no need for action despite a new report which says
12 NHS trusts in England are significantly underperforming.
A study by NHS partner Dr Foster Intelligence, which collates and analyses healthcare data, also highlights
27 trusts with unusually high patient death rates".
"The Tories said the inspection regime had failed.
Describing it as no longer "fit for purpose", shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley said: "We need to overhaul Labour's failed health inspection regime which is more interested in tick box targets than patients.
The Dr Foster research uncovered
widespread safety issues including 39% of trusts "failing to investigate unexpected deaths or cases of serious harm on their wards".
Items such as swabs and drill bits were left inside patients after surgery in at least 209 cases and surgeons operated on the wrong part of a body at least 82 times".
The head of the Care Quality Commission, Baroness Young. should resign immediately.Or better still just sack the lot of them.